Friday, November 29, 2019

Spanish/American War Essays (4295 words) - Mexico,

Spanish/American War Spanish America PART ONE THE CONQUEST AND COLONIZATION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1 Legacy of hate: The conquest of Mexicos northwest A. The invasion of Texas-Not all the Anglo-Americans favored the conflict. Eugene C. Barker states that the immediate cause of the war was the overthrow of the nominal republic by Santa Anna and the substitution of centralized oligarchy which allegedly would have centralized Mexican control. Texas history is a mixture of selected fact and generalized myth. Historians admit that smugglers were upset with Mexicos enforcement of her import laws. B. The invasion of Mexico- In the mid-1840s, Mexico was again the target. The expansion and capitalist development moved together. The two Mexican wars gave U.S. commerce, industry, mining, agriculture, and stockraising. The truth is that the Pacific Coast belonged to the commercial empire that the United States was already building in that ocean. C. The rationale for conquest- the Polk-Stockton Intrigue, Americans have found it rather mo re difficult than other peoples to deal rationally with their wars. Many Anglo-Americans historians have attempted to dismiss it simply as a bad war, Which took place during the era of Manifest Destiny. D. The myth of a nonviolent nation- most studies on the Mexican American war dwell on the causes and results of the war, and dealing with war strategy. Mexicans attitude toward Anglo-Americans has been influenced by the war and vice-versa. E. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- By late 1847 the war was almost at an end. Scotts defeat of Santa Anna in a hard fought battle at Churubusco put Anglo Americans at the gates of Mexico City. Although Mexicans fought valiantly, the battle left 4,000 dead, with another 3,00 prisoners. February 2, 1848 the Mexicans ratified the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, with Mexico accepting the Rio Grande as the Texas border and ceding the Southwest. 2 Remember the Alamo: The colonization of Texas A. The creation of a Dominant Class- Before 1848, the valley of the Rio Grande supported many thousands of cattle. Commerce between the people on both sides of the river bound them together. As technological changes took place in the regions economy, class divisions became more marked within the Mexican community; the upper class more often aligned themselves with the new elite. In many cases the rich Mexicans became brokers for the ruling elite and helped control the Mexican masses. B. Politics of Gender- Social relations between Mexicans and the dominant society became more rigid with the passage of time. Intermarriage between the native aristocracy and the white ruling elite was not uncommon; both because of lack of white woman and for control of the native population. C. Controlling Mexicans- the railroad played a key role in the economic development of San Antonio after the Civil War. The railroad encouraged the development of cattle trade and brought tourist to the city. Newspaper accounts inflamed residents, spreading rumors that Mexican s had armed themselves. D. Divide and Conquer- In August 1894, Blacks attacked Mexicans at Beeville, Texas. Mexicans were brought there to drive down wages of blacks and to create a labor surplus. The federal government encouraged this antagonism by stationing black soldiers in Mexican areas. E. The Historian as an Agent of Social Control- Texas had a history of violence. This brought terror toward the Mexicans since they didnt have the same protection under the law. In South Texas, Mexicans outnumbered the North American, latter controlled politics and the land. F. The Revolt of Cheno Cortina- Mexicans did not accept North American rule and they hardly felt like liberated people. They called them greasers and denied them the opportunity to acquire property, to excerise political control over their own lives, and to maintain their rights within the society. But many took to the road. G. The Peoples Revolt- The El Paso Salt War of 1877 is an example of the peoples revolt. Mexicans in the country banded together along lines of race and class taking direct action in the response to the political chicanery of foreigners. It was a class struggle against the rich, powerful gringo establishment. 3 Freedom in a Cage: The colonization of New Mexico A. The Distortion of History- We are white too! Many New

Monday, November 25, 2019

Melanie Klein Essay Example

Melanie Klein Essay Example Melanie Klein Essay Melanie Klein Essay Melanie Klein (30 March 1882 – 22 September 1960) was an Austrian-born British psychoanalyst who devised novel therapeutic techniques for children and was particularly interested in the early psychological development that which had a significant impact on child psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis and is still used in present day therapeutic techniques. Klein was the first to use psychoanalysis on young children. She was unique by working with children using toys. Klein is named as one of the co-founders of Object Relations Theory. Anna Freud was researching ORT during the same time as Klein. Freud’s ideas concerning children mostly came from working with adult patients; Klein was innovative in working directly with children, often as young as two years old. Klein saw children’s play as their primary mode of emotional communication. After observing troubled children play with toys such as dolls, animals, plasticine, pencil and paper, Klein attempted to interpret the specific meaning of play. Following Freud she emphasized the significant role that parental figures played the child’s phantasy life, and considered that the timing of Freud’s Oedipus complex was incorrect. Contradicting Freud, she concluded that the superego was present from birth ORT is a theory of relationships between people, such as the mother and her child. A basic belief is that we are driven to form relationships with others and that failure to form successful early relationships leads to later problems. It is also concerned with the relation between the subject and their internalized objects, as well as with external objects. Thus we have a relationship with the internal mother as well as an external one. Example: As the child feeds, it feels gratified and satiated when the breast produces sufficient milk, in which case it is loved and cherished. When the child is prematurely withdrawn or the breast does not provide sufficient food, the child is frustrated and the breast is hated and the recipient of hostile thoughts. The mother thus receives love or destructive attack depending on this. The baby experiences extremes of feeling. When he is angry, it is total anger and rejects and thrusts away the mother. When he is happy, he loves and adores her. He projects his bad feeling and associates her with it. In Klein’s concept, phantasy originates from within and imagines what is without, it offers an unconscious commentary on instinctual life and links feelings to objects and creates a new combination: the world of imagination. For Klein, unconscious phantasies underlie not only dreams but all thought and activity, both creative and destructive, including the expression of internal object relations. They modify external events, investing them with significance. While Freud’s ideas concerning children mostly came from working with adult patients, Klein was innovative in working directly with children, often as young as two years old. Klein saw children’s play as their primary mode of emotional communication. After observing troubled children play with toys such as dolls, animals, pencil and paper, Klein attempted to interpret the specific meaning of play. Following Freud she emphasized the significant role that parental figures played the child’s phantasy life, and considered that the timing of Freud’s Oedipus complex was incorrect. Contradicting Freud, she concluded that the superego was present from birth. PHANTASIES: -satisfy instincts by converting them into ideas and images. Hunger leads to a phantasy of an object that can satisfy it. come from instincts that border physical and psychical activities and are thus experienced both physically and mentally. For example a child who sucks its thumb is enacting the phantasy of feeding. Satisfying experiences are re-enacted internally through phantasies. -enables the ego to perform its most basic function of establishing object relations. A worl d of good and bad objects are thus constructed through a process of projection and introjection between the external and internal worlds. Phantasy thus allows us to construct both our own identity and also, through projection, the construction of others. develop in and into play, and Klein used play therapy to learn about the early development of infants as a more effective method than Freuds use of free association. -continue through childhood and into adult life. Phantasies becoming more elaborate and referring to a wider range of objects and situations continue throughout development and accompany all activities; they never stop playing a great part in all mental life (Klein:1997:251) -is a state of mind of an infant child during the early stages of development. stem from genetic needs, drives and instincts. They appear in symbolic form in dreams, play and neuroses. They are constructed from internal and external reality, modified by feelings, and emotions, and then projected into both real and imaginary objects. -are the means by which infants make sense of the external world and hence relate to it through Projection and Introjections. Infantile feelings and phantasies leave, as it were, their imprints on the mind, imprints that do not fade away but get stored up, remain active, and exert a continuous and powerful influence on the emotional and intellectual life of the individual (Klein:1975:290) Depressive Position: After exploring ultra -aggressive phantasies of hate, envy, and greed in very young, very ill children, Melanie Klein proposed a model of the human psyche that linked significant fluctuation of state, with whether the postulated Eros or Thanatos instincts were in the fore. She named the state of the psyche, when the sustaining principle of life is in domination, the depressive position. This is considered by many to be her great contribution to psychoanalytic thought. Klein argued that people who never succeed in working through the depressive position in their childhood will, as a result, continue to struggle with this problem in adult life. For example: the cause that a person may maintain suffering from intense guilt feelings over the death of a loved one, may be found in the un-worked- through depressive position. The guilt is there because of a lack of separation between inside and outside and also as a defense mechanism to defend the self against unbearable feelings of intense sadness and sorrow and subsequently the internal object against the unbearable rage of the self, which can destroy the (internal) object forever. Klein saw the depressive position as an important developmental milestone that continues to mature throughout the life span. The splitting and part object relations that characterize the earlier phase are succeeded by the capacity to perceive that the other who frustrates is also the one who gratifies

Friday, November 22, 2019

Physical security designing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Physical security designing - Assignment Example The bank is situated at intersection of the W 19th street and the Madison Avenue. The bank is located on a  ¼ acre piece of land. The banking building has two floors. Within the banking compound is another small room that is used as the generator storage room. A parking space is also available in front of the bank. The main building in which the bank is located forms the perimeter fence of the banking compound separating the bank from the neighboring streets. Bordering the bank’s parking space is a vintage building that is used for various services including computing and photocopying shops. Across the street lie other businesses, mainly hotels and fast food outlets. On the rear side of this building; where the generator is located, there is a bordering access street. There is no direct entry into the banking compound from this access street. Within the vicinity of this bank is a police station, strategically located near to respond to any security issues. A hospital is also a few blocks away. There are two filling stations along the neighboring streets. The Madison Avenue hosts many businesses including grocery stores, drug stores and general retail shops. There are also schools and collages within the town. The banking building was constructed of bricks and concrete. There were metal grill reinforcement to strengthen the building. The lighting to the building is provided by the national electricity grid with a back-up generator to ensure the bank is always on power supply. The following diagram represents the bank’s schematic arrangement. In the past 2 year, there has been only one security incident involving this bank. The other two security incidents were considered minor by the bank’s chief security officer. In the major incident, there was an attempted robbery with violence. Four armed robbers had been spotted by a customer along the E 19th street, which is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HR Strategic Planning MODULE 1 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Strategic Planning MODULE 1 Discussion - Essay Example This explains why team work is emphasized in a business organization as its various units need to collaborate together for it to function. For example, the goal of marketing is integrated into manufacturing for the factory people realize the need of customer satisfaction. Information and knowledge are also shared through the various channels in the organization to promote cohesion, knowledge and skills across organization (Kahn and Mentzer, 1998). Departments may not be well verse in other functions of the business but they are aware that their output are needed by other departments and that they are also dependent on the output of others. One of the concrete example where the various department and functions intersect with each other is through a project which is increasingly becoming common in business organizations. Projects are typically composed of people in the organization from various departments with different background and skillsets working together in order to achieve the goal of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Problem solving in a workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15500 words

Problem solving in a workplace - Essay Example The problems may be technical, or issue based or as it is called in the writing of this paper complex in nature. The form of problem solving technique implemented should be well structured as well as systematic in order to make any improvements at the workplace and allow benefits regarding any possible changes (McWhinney, 1997). The approach to problem solving should be consistent within the workplace. All the members at the workplace should use the same method of solving the problems at the workplace and ensure that all people have the same method of solving problems at the workplace as a constituent of organizational behaviour towards solutions to complex problems (Mullins, 2010). The consistency of the process is important in keeping the process more scientific and less susceptible to any form of biases and therefore equivocal in the problem solving process. The problem solving technique is also important in the group processes of solving the problems since the model provides a focus for the group. The processes that are implemented by the group are important in ensuring that the model is implemented and structured in a way that helps the group to coordinate and function properly as a group. The problem solving a techniques help the group in reaching a consensus and in the decision making process. The method is also important in ensuring that the problems are solved effectively.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effect of Unit of Analysis in Political Research

Effect of Unit of Analysis in Political Research Units of Analysis In social or scientific research, the definition of units of analysis is similar since it is the unit that the researcher will focus on while making his inquiry. According to (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, Liao, 2003), the appropriate definition of the term as developed in research is that it is the basic unit that is to be investigated. This statement implies that the unit of analysis can be defined in the hypothesis of a study or within the topic of the research. In a case where the research is based on an investigation about the truth of a hypothesis, the unit of analysis becomes the main actors in the hypothesis. In political science, it simply implies the level of actors at which a researcher will aggregate the data. In any study, the choice of actors or the unit of analysis has a bearing on the final generalization that is given by a study. In this perspective, the emergence of fallacies on the conclusion of a study will be as a result of not properly identifying the unit of analysis. In a study about the geopolitics of a country, for instance, the focus of the research could be trade relations. The selection of the actors in this study due to the interest and ideas about the actor could lead to a level of complications like cross referencing or fallacies (Babbie 2013). This article examines the possible set of units that relate to a research question about the geopolitics of China and its international partners in trade. Specifically, the units of analysis that relate to the research are discussed in details. It also observes the relevance of the units of analysis that will be selected for the investigation on the topic. Depending on the research question and the motivation of the researcher, the development of the appropriate actors or even the units of analysis could be difficult or just impossible. In this case, the use of cross-referencing is used to create a correlation of the available information to the unit of analysis that has been selected. The difficulty in obtaining the data about the unit of study may also lead to the absence of this ambiguity which seldom happens, the choice of the unit of study is simplified. Problems like the ecological fallacy that results from using data that is meant for a group to make generalization is avoided. In the case of geopolitical analysis of China and the trade relations, the major unit of analysis is the country which is China. This choice is provoked by the fact that much of the data that will be collected on the topic for purposes of analysis will have to do with a perspective of the geopolitics of China or even its partners. Data about international trade of China and the politics that govern regions like the South China Sea are potential units of analysis in this study. The ecological fallacy (Babbie 2013) can also be possible in the development of this study by making generalizations that are not about the group that is the overall country China. For instance, in a study about the preference of the wealthy Chinese businessmen and their preferred destinations of investment, a study could use the country data. In this study if the generalization of the research argues that the businessmen prefer to make trade deals with the west as opposed to the African or Asian counterparts, an ecological fallacy is given in the study. The ecological fallacy in this study will be as a result of observing the overall government bilateral trade agreements and generalizing this at the personal preference level. It is highly likely that the wealthy Chinese business persons can have interests in the African or Asian continents as well. The specific units of study, in this case, are related to the constituents of geopolitical studies or the major aspects that contribute to the subject domain of geopolitics. These units of study could be related to the concepts like demography and trade that is the main area of study. Other units of analysis can be linked to the climate of the regions, the region, natural resources, the use or imbalance of technology, and politics of the region being evaluated. For a study about the geopolitical aspects of trade relations of the Chinese especially if the comparison is inclined towards the American-Sino relations, all these factors are potential actors of the units of analysis which is the country. An imbalance of technology, for instance, is likely to trigger trade to favor the country that is in the possession of a high level of technology. Factors like efficiency could be the silent driving forces behind the success of the high technology countries. Ideas like climate could play a role like in the tourism sector. But while noting that the two countries are subcontinents there is a possibility that the overall impact of the climate more or less remains a constant factor. Despite this great mix and variety of the actors, the main actor therefore in this study remains the regional and global politics and the effects of demographics (Riegl In LandovskyÃÅ'  2013. Justification of the actors The politics of the region being evaluated in a study has a strong relation to the main actors of the economy that is the unit of study. Particularly, aspects of politics include the ability to dominate the regional bodies in a continent and the control of the same. For instance, in a regional union like the European Union, the decisions are negotiated by the members. The ability to martial the allies to vote for the interest of a country in economic affairs would have to do with the regional political influence of the country. In a case like this interests also play a major role. The role of interest is that member states will have to consider their position on the global front and the need to progress. In many instances, the interests of a nation are driven by the fact that there is need to achieve economic growth in the nation. As such any progress that is considered to have a negative impact on the economy is taken as an unwanted position by the block. Therefore aspects of politi cal ideologies and intention have an effect on the geopolitical relations. In demographics, the profligacy of the United States has come under sharp criticism. This idea has become a central potential of exploitation of the Chinese in dealing with the trade with the American public. Leonard (2006) examines the roles of this demographic factor in the relations of trade created between the two partners. Its findings indicate that the American public has become extremely uncaring of their spending habits in the past that even led to the recession that occurred in the nation. As a result, this actor is a significant variable in examining the geopolitical relations that have to do with trade between the nations. The reason for its importance is related to the level of debt that China holds for the United States. This research study also claims that the height of debt that America hold in China is substantial and a major driver in the trade relations between the two states. The selection of the two main actors in this type of research is based on the ability to take a validity assessment and the reliability of a study. In any research, before making a generalization, the review of the measurement is taken. For instance, it would be important to review if all measurements of the information that is contained in the study is properly within the context and requirements of the same study. In this case, main geopolitical factors in the study will have to be tested for their validity and reliability in making generalization of the subject of discussion. This factor means that the actors will have to be listed within the sub-factors that indicate their face or content validity. The face validity of the actors includes factors that the researcher envisions in their study (Babbie 2010). The content validity is deeper in meaning and will cover the major conventional attributes that build or indicate the actor in research. Reliability, on the other hand, deals wi th the replication of the same study (Kibble 2011). Therefore, the selection of these two actors which are important aspects of the unit of study will be a stronger block in generating the sub-factors that will point to a more reliable and valid study. Selected case study The unit of analysis, in this case, is at country level. It would be important to select case studies with the same level of units of analysis. In looking at the geopolitical factors and their effects on the international trade with China, this study will select a case study based in the United States and a Scandinavian country or a developing country. This selection will aim at unveiling the difference in the geopolitical factors that favor or does not favor trade in the two countries. At a more specific level, a comparison of the main actors that are involved will be the main factor. This will aim at unveiling if the two main actors that have been identified by this research are valid or not. The choice of the United States in the geopolitical study is made mainly because the United States is a major trading partner of the Peoples Republic of China. Therefore, a study in the geopolitical aspects of the relation could make conclusive on the facts relating to the same. Another important aspect is to do with the Chinese economic system that is communist and the inclination towards the western democratic nations. It would be important here to see if the political aspects have anything to do with the level of trade that is generated between the United States and the Chinese counterparts. In conclusion, the choice of a unit of analysis has a significant bearing on the outcome of a research process. The main contribution of the fact is based on the identification and selection of the units. In a case of improper selection, the problems that are likely to arise are related to the fallacy of the outcome of the study. In ecological fallacy, the generalization of the outcome and the drivers of the same is the main concern. It would be inappropriate to make group conclusion of results as a representative of individual units of analysis and vice versa. In a study of this character, it is also important to review the validity and reliability issues. References Babbie, E. (2013). The basics of social research. Cengage Learning. Babbie, E. R. (2010). The practice of social research. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Cengage. Kibble, B. P. (2011). Reliability in Scientific Research: Improving the Dependability of Measurements, Calculations, Equipment, and Software, by IR Walker: Scope: review. Level: postgraduate, early career researcher, researcher, scientist, engineers. Contemporary Physics, 52(6), 615-616. Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. E., Liao, T. F. (2003). The Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods. Sage Publications. Leonard, Andrew (2006), No More Treasury Bonds, Thank You, I’m Full: Is China Tired of Propping up the U.S. Economy?, 6 January, online: /china_bonds> (17 May 2015). Riegl, M., In LandovskyÃÅ' , J. (2013). Strategic and geopolitical issues in the contemporary world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Allusion and Symbolism in The Swimmer, by John Cheever Essay examples -

John Cheever does not merely state the theme of his story, he expresses his theme, as a good writer should, in a variety of metaphors and analogies coupled with powerful imagery. In The Swimmer, Cheever writes and underscores his primary theme of alcoholism in many ways, such as his use of autumnal imagery and the color green. However, there is also some very prominent symbolism and allusions that serve to highlight the theme while also augmenting the artistic and poetic nature of the story. One very important use of symbolism is in the â€Å"perverted sacraments† as originally pointed out by Hal Blythe in 1984. Along side these symbols, Hal Blythe, along with Charlie Sweet, later discovered a clear allusion to Ponce de Leà ²n in 1989. To begin with the symbolism, there are three holy sacraments that have been twisted by Merrill in the story, one of them is directly related to the primary theme of alcoholism, and the other two are connected to Merrill's addiction, but not as directly as the first. This first sacrament is the Eucharist, commonly known as communion, which involves the partaking of wine in a ceremonial fashion. This sacrament is defamed from the very beginning, when Cheever shows the characters sitting around on Sunday, the day of the Lord, when communion would normally take place, with hangovers. It is ridiculed even more strongly when Cheever includes even the priests themselves in the group of people who say, â€Å"I drank too much.† The second two sacraments that Merrill perverts are marriage and baptism. Both of these serve to highlight the theme of alcoholism and its negative effects because alcohol served as the instrument causing the perversion. It was Merrill's alcoholism that ruine d his relationshi... ...Leà ²n serves both as an artistic stroke and an underlining of the stories message. The tale of Ponce de Leà ²n's futile search for the fountain of youth is well known, and this allusion hammers down the nail of pain and loss that alcoholism has brought Merrill. Works Cited Blythe, Hal, and Charlie Sweet. â€Å"An Historical Allusion In Cheever's 'The Swimmer'.† Studies In Short Fiction 26.4 (1989). 557. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. Blythe, Hal. "Perverted Sacraments In John Cheever's 'The Swimmer'." Studies In Short Fiction 21.4 (1984). 393. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. Edward Reilly, â€Å"Autumnal Images in John Cheever's 'The Swimmer,'† Notes on Contemporary Literature, 10 (January 1980). 12. Print. Nora Graves, â€Å"The Dominant Color in John Cheevers 'The Swimmer,'† Notes on Contemporary Literature, 5 (March 1974). 4-5. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

As Nature Made Him: Nature vs. Nurture Essay

The argument over nature vs. nurture has continued to torture society by presenting cases in which we simply don’t know which rules to apply. One of these cases is sex change. Sex change is a very big step to take in a person’s life and it involves the careful consideration of many factors; but it is not a simple answer to a complex problem such as hermaphroditism or even blotched circumcisions. These choices can be difficult because we don’t quite understand which factors to consider given that we haven’t determined whether it is nature or nurture that determines a child’s sexual identity. Until we solve this riddle, people shouldn’t try to change a child’s sex before the child can decipher his or her own sexual identity. Nature will solve the problem without human interference. Over the years, sex change in infants with ambiguous or deformed genitals has become more and more popular. Often times, however, the child is unhappy with his/her sexual assignment. Colapinto writes, â€Å"†¦Dr. Harry Benjamin himself, who had recently reported that in forty-seven out of eighty-seen of his patients, he ‘could find no evidence that childhood conditioning’ was involved in their conviction that they were living in the wrong sex† (Colapinto 45). This suggests that nature rather than nurture is the underlying factor of sexual identity. Dr. John Money, a doctor at John Hopkins Hospital, was the head doctor of the world famous John/Joan â€Å"twin case. † His theories at the time seemed to be very intelligently thought out at the time, but have now been proven otherwise, explaining why his conduction of the â€Å"twin case† was unsuccessful. John Colapinto explains that Dr. Money realized in his research on hermaphroditical children, â€Å"the ones that were raised as girls were happy girls, and the ones raised as boys were happy boys†¦ It seemed to suggest to him that hermaphrodites were born malleable in their sex† (Youtube). However, Money was too quick to generalize this observation to everyone, rather than only. Although the gravely unsuccessful twin case was and is brought up a lot in the debate concerning nature vs. nurture, there are still scientists who believe that it is nurture rather than nature that determines sexual identity. These scientists still have hope that there may be an answer to the mystery of sexual identity. Jonis Portfolio says on gender, â€Å"It is an intricate balance between hormones, brain function, attitudes, behaviors, and social expectations† (Jonis Portfolio). Colapinto as well as the authors of Jonis Portfolio mention how â€Å"vehemently was â€Å"she† determined to live in the sex of her genes and chromosomes† (Colapinto 72). Children who are born normally, but have been sexually reassigned, usually present behaviors that resemble the sex written in their genetic code. The few exceptions remain outliers. Once scientists started to poke holes in Dr. Money’s theories, they realized how unreasonable it was to try to sexually reassign a children who were already destined by nature to be a certain gender. Jonis says, â€Å"Gender identification is a complex issue† (Jonis Portfolio). Scientists try too hard to try to find a solution to this problem that they are too quick to draw conclusions and make decisions. Colapinto writes that the â€Å"New York Times book review on Man vs. Woman Boy vs. Girl said the book’s argument was ‘If you tell a boy he is a girl, and raise him as one, he will want to do feminine things’† (Colapinto 70). Man vs. Woman Boy vs. Girl is a book written by Dr. Money. Money drew so many false conclusions in his work that his theories were unreliable. However, he was such a respected figure in the science world that even his most outlandish views were supported by many. This is how his theories came to be so widely accepted. We know now, however, that he was pretty far off the mark in his line of research. We know now that gender assignment should be left to nature, rather than nurture, especially was no problem with the natural gender to begin with. Too often, children have been burdened with the task of finding themselves, i. e. discovering their sexual identity. If doctors and scientists continue to complicate children’s lives by attempting to change who these children were destined to be, they will definitely start to lose themselves. This is ultimately what happened in the John/Joan case where David Reimer, which was John/Joan’s real name, when he took his own life. Nurture may be a factor in sexual identity, but research suggests that nature is an even stronger factor. Scientists and doctors shouldn’t interfere with nature because all in all, this single factor will shine through the cracks. Bibliography Colapinto, John. As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. Print. As Nature Made Him by John Colapinto was published in 2000 to give readers a full understanding of the John/Joan twin case in which a biologically born male was sexually reassigned a girl due to a blotched circumcision. Colapinto describes in great detail all aspects of the case and how horribly wrong it went. He does elaborate research and uses interviews from direct sources in order to explain the case coherently for readers. This book is the main source for this essay as it describes so vehemently the case from all angles. It argues mainly how nature over nurture is the main factor in determining sexual identity. â€Å"Jonisportfolio – Sexual Reassignment and Gender Roles Nature VS Nurture. † Jonisportfolio – Sexual Reassignment and Gender Roles Nature VS Nurture. N. p. , n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2013. . This portfolio was published online by Jonis Portfolio to recognize and argue the issue of nature vs. nurture and its concern with sexual identity. It describes many cases where biologically born males who were raised as females so vehemently were determined to be males. It describes nature as a leading factor over nurture for determining sexual identity. It’s helpful to this essay because it presents some major arguments concerning the matter of nature vs. nurture. It even describes the John/Joan case and what happened there. YouTube. Prod. Allan Gregg. Perf. Allan Gregg and John Colapinto. YouTube. YouTube, 04 June 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2013. . This video is an interview with John Colapinto done by Allan Gregg. Colapinto is the writer of As Nature Made Him and in this interview he is describing to viewers the twin case, or the John/Joan case. David Reimer, John/Joan himself, couldn’t do the interview because unfortunately he took his own life in 2002. This source is helpful because it is a short recap of the book and viewers may understand it better than they would while reading about it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Operation fly trap

However, all of this wouldn't be possible without the help she received from the Harry Guggenheim Foundation award. That grant helped her begin her fieldwork in 2005. Her fieldwork was conducted in the Pueblos neighborhood in Los Angles, this is where she got inside information from the gang members themselves. She also studied from the Los Angles Police Department (LARD), here she befriended a couple of FBI agents that were in charge of Operation Fly Trap. All of this fieldwork paved her way In writing a very objective book.She received individually received both sides of the Issue and wrote this book to give her point of view on the subject. In her Ellwood she would study the effects of the justice department and the consequence it has on the community and family of the criminals involved. The time she spent on the inside, with the people of the gangs and the lives they lead, would lead Phillips to question both the success of this operation and the methods used to conduct it (Phil lips 175).Los Angles was struck with dramatic economical times, the economy was unraveling In every way possible. The economy was hurt by the 011 crisis, depreciating international dollar, dwindle of union jobs, bifurcation of the manufacturing sector, ND an unchanging education system (Phillips 7). All of these factors would be reasons of why a good working class citizen would turn to dealing drugs, being a member of a gang, and/or using drugs. Drug money was â€Å"easy money† as one would say.You could make stacks of money fast, with little effort most of the time. The hard part was not getting caught. With the Increase In drug activity happening In Los Angles was the same Increase In prison sentences. It got so bad that Incarceration became Californians number one industry. It would grow to employ the largest umber of people in the state (Phillips). One of the other important factors that have to do with the increase in incarcerations was the fact that the state of Califor nia waged a war on drugs.The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) went from housing 21 ,539 Inmates In 1978 to 217,444 in 2011, making drug offenders 55% of the BOP population (Phillips 8). Although part of this prison rate Is In fact due to the aggressive policing and harsh sentencing the criminals were given. This made Phillips think and wonder if all of this was part of the solution or Just part of the problem. From her extensive field work she goes on to say that the way the LAP approached the drug problem was in fact producing one of the problems they were trying so hard to prevent. Here she needed to take the next step, on the inside. She began this step by living in the neighborhood of Pueblos, which was run by the African American and Hispanic race. She luckily befriended a local named Ben Kaplan and lived there with his family. From there she was able to get a first hand view point the ever so popular drug environment. She was also able to see different sides of the spectrum lik e how he environment affected the families and communities alike. How the laws and actions of the police affected them as well.There use of surveillance, through wiretaps and confidential informants, having a negative impact on the lives of the community. She figures out how the families are shaped through this involvement in crime. Phillips research in all of this goes to prove how unbiased her book really is, she practiced true reflexivity. All of her facts are hard facts that she went and lived first hand. She witnessed drug deals, witnessed people snorting cocaine, and dinettes the wiretaps that were given to drug dealers.All of this information she writes from is purely unbiased facts, writing from an etc perspective, her way of co- existing with the people, sitting back and observing them, was how she approached her story. Phillips goes on to write about how the incarceration of a family member affects the family as a whole. Unintended consequences include threaten or actual e viction, the involvement of child social services, desalination of families, depression in children, and high mortality rates among already vulnerable people (Phillips 20).Arresting a drug dealer for â€Å"slinging† coke may seem like a win for the police but in all reality it causes a snowball effect on the rest of the family that will have to deal with. Phillips findings go on to say how the police work unintentionally tears apart the family functionalism. The only way to prevent crime is to have a strong united family. Operation Fly Trap was the combined effort of the LAP that removed twenty-eight key members of the local, gang-related drug trade. They did a great Job in reducing drug related crimes, however did very little in the gang related activity.Where the police succeed in incarceration rates, they fail in the goal to build a strong community. Phillips lasting conclusion in this ethnography is that incarceration can lead to increased poverty rates, negative health o utcomes, rises in violence, and instability among already vulnerable families. Lastly the importance of manufacturing gangs as iconic, newly federalism villains (Phillips 21). Phillips, Susan A. Operation Fly Trap: L. A. Gangs, Drugs, and the Law. N. P. : n. P. , n. D. Print. â€Å"Susan A. Phillips. † Susan A Phillips. N. P. , n. D. Web. 26 cot. 2013..

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Silent Hero in Our Midst †Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course)

A Silent Hero in Our Midst – Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers A Silent Hero in Our Midst Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course) A hero can be defined as someone who finds a way to overcome adversity despite the perils. My Uncle John holds true to this statement and much more. My uncle’s bravery allows him to work as a New York City firefighter, where he takes risks every day. His strong sense of responsibility enables him to hold many challenging jobs. He is a nurse, firefighter, volunteer, and a loving father. All of his patients and survivors know him for his caring personality, which is displayed when he puts the lives of others before his own. Ultimately, his bravery, responsibility, and caring personality make him a modern day hero. John portrays his bravery every day in the many life-threatening jobs he performs. From the early age of 22, my uncle has been a New York City firefighter. On the September 11th tragedy, my uncle was one of the first firefighters there. He helped save about 287 people from the building before it came crashing down. Many people would not have gone anywhere near the burning towers, but my uncle’s bravery helped him to save many innocent people. Furthermore, his bravery allows him to risk his own life while helping others. He runs into buildings with dangerous chemicals and toxins knowing that he could die at any moment. His amazing courage allows him to fight these dangerous fires every day. Helping on September 11th and risking his life for the lives of others are two things that illustrate my uncle’s bravery. My Uncle John displays his strong sense of responsibility in the jobs he takes on. As a New York City firefighter, my uncle’s job can get pretty intense. Despite the hard times in his firehouse, he somehow manages to take on two jobs. He also works the night shift as an emergency room nurse, which only gives him a few hours of sleep some nights. He must carefully plan how he is going to spend his time. My uncle also manages the huge responsibility of having a family. With four grown children and a new baby, he must find time to spend with his family. He also must provide his family with money because his wife can no longer work with the baby. Ultimately, being able to juggle two challenging jobs while managing to provide for a family of six, my Uncle John portrays a strong sense of responsibility. My Uncle John is known by friends and family for his caring personality. Every night, after leaving the firehouse, he drives down to the hospital where he works as an emergency room nurse. I once asked him how he was able to stay alert during the long working hours, and he told me that he only does it for his patients. He constantly talks about how much he loves seeing the faces of the hundreds of survivors that he helps save. Another example of his loving personality is that he is a volunteer for the organization that helps raise money for cancer. My Uncle’s sister, my Aunt Sherry, passed away five years ago. Ever since Sherry’s death, my uncle has volunteered his free time on this task. He often visits the cancer patients when he works in the hospital, and he has formed many friendships with them. My Uncle John’s work as an emergency room nurse and as a volunteer for cancer fundraisers illustrates his caring personality. Overall, my Uncle John’s bravery, responsibility, and caring personality have transformed him into a modern day hero. The bravery needed to risk his life by fighting fires is something that many people would not even consider. He displays responsibility by being able to hold two jobs while providing for a family of six. My uncle’s hard work at the hospital and long hours of volunteer work illustrate his caring personality. He puts his life second behind the lives of the innocent people he saves every day. He has become a role model for many people today, and he will continue to inspire many more. Research Papers on A Silent Hero in Our Midst - Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hospitality Property Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hospitality Property Operations - Assignment Example However, in reality, the previous stock is not fully utilized and wasted awfully and there is the overstock of supplies also been observed in the hotel of which some is spoiled as well. In order to maintain cleanliness and other satisfaction is driven parameters for the customers, the storeroom remains open all the time and everyone has the access to it. There is no proper placement of supply items in the storeroom rather there is a mess of supplies everywhere even in the telephone room. The supplies are not rightly used by the housekeeping staff like shampoos are used for cleaning the bathtub and furniture polish is used over Formica which though seems chemically effective but not the right way thus resulting in increased cost. Another issue is that things are not fully used that contributes to additional costs like everyday soap and shampoo is added to every washroom even previous is still there. Garbage bags of large size are often used that are half filled and thrown away despite using the smaller one to optimize their usage. The management structure needs to be autocratic and hierarchic to mold the behavior of the staff and to keep the check on them while using the supplies. A position may be created and the personnel may be dedicated full time for the purpose. There must be someone responsible for the storeroom and only limited access be provided to the staff. Another issue is that things are not fully used that contributes to additional costs like everyday soap and shampoo is added to every washroom even previous is still there. Garbage bags of large size are often used that are half filled and thrown away despite using the smaller one to optimize their usage.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

River Woods TEAM Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

River Woods TEAM Assignment - Essay Example First and foremost, the plant manager should possess competent knowledge, skills and expertise in the various domains he/she is expected to oversee. Knowledge is power, goes the saying. Thus, if the manager possesses the knowledge and expertise required, people will seek out his opinion, they will listen to him/her and will always perceive him/her as an expert. This way, he/she will be able to gain authority. Secondly, the plant manager should have authority. He/she should be responsible and accountable for all the responsibilities under him/her. Thirdly, the plant manager must have courage and confidence. In simpler terms, the plant manager needs confidence so as to know that he/she has power, and needs courage to use the power. For personal power to exist, it has to be acknowledged and used. The plant manger should be in position to always do and say what is needed. He/she should have the confidence to ask anything he/she is in need of. Finally, the plant manager has to possess good interpersonal relationship skills. Thus, in order to prevent the looming unionization of the firm as a result of inevitable complains from the employees, the plant manager should be in a position to gain power through his/her relationship with them. He/she should be able to build trust and closer relationships with them, so as to make it easy to influence them. The fact that the plant is decentralizing its management structure, call for a plant manager who will be in direct touch with the employees.teh manager will be in regular contact with them, thus, he/she to develop a good rapport with them. This can only be done through ensuring the new plant manager is endorsed with the necessary power and resources required to command authority from the employees. Thus, In order to ensure that the new plant general manager is in a position to accomplish the assigned duties, the following actions have to be taken. First, legitimate/position power has to be